Hibernia Indestructible

On sale now, here!! http://www.comicsy.co.uk/hibernia
The second in Hibernia’s ‘Fleetway Files’ series, The indestructible Man is on sale now, get it while you can!

‘Walk like an Egyptian…’

Wrongly entombed in the ancient pyramids of Egypt for millenia, former Captain of the Pharaohs guard awakens as Mark Dangerfield in 1960’s Britain.
Transformed by the secrets of the ancients Dangerfield uses his powers to bring justice to the nefarious Skin Men, The Black Avenger, The Badger and others in this fast paced and high octane never-before-reprinted story from Jag comic.

‘The Idestructible Man’ is a lost classic, boasting some of Spanish master Jesue Blasco’s very best artwork and an electrifying script by Fleetway stalwart Scott Goodall.
Also included are three ‘Indestructible Man’ tales from the Jag annuals making this the complete collection of Mark Dangerfields adventures.

‘The Indestructible Man’ is the second in Hibernia’s ‘Fleetway Files’ series, the first collection in the series. ‘The Angry Planet’ is currently sold out, so get the ‘Indestructible Man’ while you can.

84 pages
Perfect bound, Softback
Colour Cover, B&W interiors.
£10.49 plus shipping
Only available here – http://www.comicsy.co.uk/hibernia

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