The Panharmonion Chronicles: King’s Cross limelight

The Panharmonion Chronicles is a graphic novel series with a mission: to tell hard stories about inconvenient truths and make the world a kinder place, while celebrating the diversity of every good soul on our planet. 

As vol.1 Times of London nears its first year of publication, we are grateful to announce that we now have some of our illustrated panels accepted as permanent art exhibition for readers to visit in Kings Cross, on the site of one of the main story plots, inside the restaurant Spagnoletti.

The story created and written by Henry Chebaane and illustrated by Stephen Baskerville has now a permanent London home for local fans and visitors. As the story world is being developed further, more artists will be invited to contribute to it, and we will expand the exhibition space and opportunities for others to join in. 

Meanwhile, Spagnoletti, created and designed by author Henry Chebaane, has just become the site for filming several Sci-fi films, including a short named “Land Ahoy” and a feature named “Reel Encounters” where Henry Chebaane is associate producer, actor and production designer.    

If you want to know more about this project to evaluate if you can contribute to it, just check here. Then either follow or leave a comment on YouTube, Instagram or the novel website and you will be contacted when opportunities arise.

The Panharmonion Chronicles is also about the power of sound, words and music. If you’re intrigued, listen here on Soundcloud or even nicer, if you like any of it, buy a track here on Bandcamp.

The Panharmonion Chronicles graphic novel is available from a few bookstores but if you want a prompt and free delivery anywhere in the UK order from here.

Thanks for reading this far and peace to all.

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