Times of London: a graphic novel twice upon a time

Readers of Times of London, the first book in The Panharmonion Chronicles series can now experience some of the fiction for real. They can do so by walking the same streets and visiting some of the places seen on the pages of the novel.  This experience offers an original take on London’s identity: a juxtaposition of 19th century history and heritage with 21stcentury pop culture, where the boundary between fiction and reality becomes increasingly blurred.

The Panharmonion Chronicles is the debut graphic novel series of British author Henry Chebaane, dubbed by SciFi Now magazine: “An explosion of science fiction and steampunk splendour.” 

The thought-provoking thriller uses time-travel as a plot device to re-examine the lasting effects of imperialism, patriarchy and colonialism in Britain, Canada, USA and the wider world. 

The author is also a commercial artist, lighting, graphic and interior designer through his design studio Some of his recent work is directly inspired by the fantastical world and steampunk technology of his debut novel and can be found in the design of two boutique hotels located in the King’s Cross area of London’s Camden, built around 1881.

1881 was also the year when Herbert George Wells came to live in Southsea as a teenager, working as an apprentice at Hyde’s Drapery Emporium. Wells was living in the basement with other indentured lads and this unhappy time may have sparked his lifelong interest in social justice. The visionary author would later move to London and write his classic novel “The Time Machine” (1895), itself based on his earlier short story “The chronic argonauts” (1888).

Wells would use his scientific romance novel to critically examine the themes of evolution, segregation, and social inequality during the Victorian era. Later, in 1940, Wells would also write “The Rights of Man”, a visionary book developing his thoughts to build a fairer world.

It is with similar aspirations for a more equitable society that Henry Chebaane started writing speculative fiction, mixing philosophical insights and horror with wry humour and pop culture.

The Panharmonion Chronicles is about a multi-cultural female music composer who struggles with a conflicted identity, a traumatic past and repressed supernatural abilities while fighting a violent supremacist cult through Time.

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